I’ve the next methodology and wish to write shim for the wanted functionalities in it embody ExecuteReaderAsync
public async Process> LoadSettingsAsync(string[] keys)
await utilizing var sourceConnection = new SqlConnection(_options.Worth.StoreConnectionString);
await sourceConnection.OpenAsync();
SqlCommand command =
new SqlCommand(
_options.Worth.DefaultStoreSchema), sourceConnection);
command.AddArrayParameters(ColumnNames.Keys, keys);
var reader = await command.ExecuteReaderAsync();
Checklist settings = new();
whereas (await reader.ReadAsync())
settings.Add(new ApplicationSetting(reader[ColumnNames.Key].ToString()!,
reader[ColumnNames.Value].ToString(), reader[ColumnNames.Type].ToString()!));
await reader.CloseAsync();
await sourceConnection.CloseAsync();
return settings;
Take a look at Methodology:
public async Process LoadSettingsAsync_WhenCall_LoadApplicationSettings()
utilizing (ShimsContext.Create())
// Organize
var keys = new string[] { "key1", "key2" };
// simulate a connection
ShimSqlConnection.AllInstances.OpenAsyncCancellationToken = (connection, token) =>
return Process.FromResult(true);
//string commandText;
// shim-Mock all referred to as strategies
ShimSqlCommand.AllInstances.ExecuteReaderAsync = command =>
return Process.FromResult(???????????????????????);
var rowCounter = 0;
ShimSqlDataReader.AllInstances.Learn = (sender) =>
return rowCounter <= 2;
ShimSqlConnection.AllInstances.Shut = connection => { };
// Act
var ex = await Document.ExceptionAsync(() =>
// Assert
ex.Ought to().BeNull();
I attempted Substitute.For
to create an occasion SqlDataReader
nevertheless it throws System.InvalidOperationException
Then I attempted this code:
ShimSqlCommand.AllInstances.ExecuteReaderAsync = async command =>
return new ShimSqlDataReader();
However it throw NullReferenceException
on await reader.ReadAsync()
line (notice: reader has worth):