We are attempting to get our automated webtests working independently of what model of Chrome we’re utilizing. These automated exams work as follows:
- We have now a Karaf container agent operating as a service;
- Karaf begins an ant script, which in flip begins one other ant script. The primary ant script is a part of the automation instrument we use (our personal product) and the second ant script is the precise script that begins our testng webtests;
TestNg, throughout the startup, begins the ChromeDriver within the following means utilizing the bonigarcia Webdrivermanager library:
WebDriverManager.chromedriver().setup(); // webDriver = new ChromeDriver(); ChromeOptions choices = new ChromeOptions(); // ChromeDriver is simply AWFUL as a result of each model or two it breaks until you cross cryptic arguments //AGRESSIVE: choices.setPageLoadStrategy(PageLoadStrategy.NONE); // https://www.skptricks.com/2018/08/timed-out-receiving-message-from-renderer-selenium.html choices.addArguments("--enable-automation"); // https://stackoverflow.com/a/43840128/1689770 choices.addArguments("--headless"); // solely in case you are ACTUALLY operating headless choices.addArguments("--no-sandbox"); //https://stackoverflow.com/a/50725918/1689770 choices.addArguments("--disable-infobars"); //https://stackoverflow.com/a/43840128/1689770 choices.addArguments("--disable-dev-shm-usage"); //https://stackoverflow.com/a/50725918/1689770 choices.addArguments("--disable-gpu"); //https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51959986/how-to-solve-selenium-chromedriver-timed-out-receiving-message-from-renderer-exc choices.addArguments("--window-size=1920,1080"); choices.addArguments("--start-maximized"); choices.addArguments("--disable-extensions"); choices.setExperimentalOption("useAutomationExtension", false); choices.addArguments("--bwsi"); choices.addArguments("--user-data-dir="+ System.getProperty("check.net.chrome.information.dir") +"/user-data-dir"); choices.addArguments("--disk-cache-dir="+ System.getProperty("check.net.chrome.information.dir") +"/disk-cache-dir"); attempt { File logFile = new File(System.getProperty("check.net.chrome.information.dir").substitute("https://sqa.stackexchange.com/", "") + "logschromedriver.log"); logFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); logFile.createNewFile(); boolean verbose = System.getProperty("check.net.webdriver.verbose").equals("true"); ChromeDriverService driverService = new Builder().withVerbose(verbose).withLogFile(logFile).construct(); webDriver = new ChromeDriver(driverService, choices); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error(e); webDriver = new ChromeDriver(choices); }
The issue we have now is that if the Karaf agent is operating because the LOCAL_SYSTEM account (which is the default person when creating a brand new service), the Chromedriver cannot begin Chrome with the error:
unknown error: can not create temp dir for unpacking extensions
After some googling and testing, I’ve discovered it is because when beginning the ChromeDriver, it tries to create a short lived folder for unpacking extensions within the person temp listing, which fails as a result of the LOCAL_SYSTEM account would not have a person listing.
I can work across the problem by making the service run as a LOCAL_SERVICE account, which does have a person listing, however we have discovered that another scripts that run on this Karaf agent give issues when operating as LOCAL_SERVICE (primarily older software program integrations that we will not simply improve), so ideally I am hoping for an answer that makes LOCAL_SYSTEM work.
Is there a technique to repair the temp dir downside that the Chromedriver has when trying to begin Chrome from a LOCAL_SYSTEM service?