You may simply implement the extent class and lengthen it in your check courses. Since your framework’s setting configurations may fluctuate, you will want to customise the OneTimeSetUp technique accordingly. Moreover, to stick to present automation requirements for a sturdy check automation technique, it is advisable to include Extent reporting.
I’ve carried out it in NUnit framework utilizing C#. You may observe the same strategy, in case you are utilizing another programming language in Automation.
Extent Base Class.
utilizing APITestAutomation.APIObjects.REST; utilizing APITestAutomation.Utilities; utilizing AventStack.ExtentReports; utilizing AventStack.ExtentReports.Reporter; utilizing NUnit.Framework; utilizing NUnit.Framework.Interfaces; utilizing System; utilizing System.IO; namespace APIAutomationTest.Utilities { public class ExtentBase { public static ExtentReports extent; public static ExtentTest check; [OneTimeSetUp] public void Setup() { // Get the present date and time to create a singular folder string timestamp = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss"); // Get the setting title from the ConfigurationManager string setting = ConfigurationManager.Setting; string workingDirectory = Setting.CurrentDirectory; string projectDirectory = Listing.GetParent(workingDirectory).Guardian.Guardian.FullName; // Specify the trail for the Extent report within the "goal" folder var reportPath = Path.Mix(projectDirectory, $"{timestamp}_Html_Report_{setting}", "goal", "automation-report.html"); var htmlReporter = new ExtentSparkReporter(reportPath); extent = new ExtentReports(); extent.AttachReporter(htmlReporter); // Add system info (together with the setting title) to the report with HTML formatting extent.AddSystemInfo("Setting", $"{setting}"); } [SetUp] public void BeforeTest() { // Get the present check title var testName = TestContext.CurrentContext.Check.Identify; // Get the setting title from the ConfigurationManager string setting = ConfigurationManager.Setting; // Append the setting to the check title testName = $"{testName}_{setting}"; // Create the check with the modified title check = extent.CreateTest(testName); } [TearDown] public void AfterTest() { var standing = TestContext.CurrentContext.Consequence.Consequence.Standing; var stacktrace = string.IsNullOrEmpty(TestContext.CurrentContext.Consequence.StackTrace) ? "" : string.Format("
{0}", TestContext.CurrentContext.Consequence.StackTrace);
Standing logstatus;
// Get the present check title
var testName = TestContext.CurrentContext.Check.Identify;Logger.LogTestCaseName(testName); // Log check case title
change (standing)
case TestStatus.Failed:
// Log the failure cause out of your assertion
logstatus = Standing.Fail;
var failureReason = TestContext.CurrentContext.Consequence.Message;
check.Log(logstatus, $"Check ended with {logstatus}. Failure Cause: {failureReason}");// Add the stacktrace to the report
check.Log(logstatus, "Stack Hint: " + stacktrace);Logger.LogError($"Check ended with {logstatus}. Failure Cause: {failureReason}");
// Add the stacktrace to the report
Logger.LogError("Stack Hint: " + stacktrace);break;
case TestStatus.Inconclusive:
logstatus = Standing.Warning;
check.Log(logstatus, "Check ended with " + logstatus + stacktrace);
logstatus = Standing.Warning;
Logger.LogInfo("Check ended with " + logstatus + stacktrace);
break;case TestStatus.Skipped:
logstatus = Standing.Skip;
check.Log(logstatus, "Check ended with " + logstatus);
Logger.LogInfo("Check ended with " + logstatus);
logstatus = Standing.Go;
check.Log(logstatus, "Check ended with " + logstatus);
Logger.LogInfo("Check ended with " + logstatus);
public void TearDown()
Here is an instance of a check class the place I’ve validated each the response code and ensured the absence of a null physique. Fluent Assertions supply a classy strategy to conducting these validations.
Check Class:
utilizing APIAutomationTest.APIObjects.REST.JsonBody; utilizing APITestAutomation.APIObjects.REST; utilizing APITestAutomation.Utilities; utilizing NUnit.Framework; utilizing FluentAssertions; utilizing System.Internet; utilizing APIAutomationTest.Utilities; utilizing APIAutomationTest.APIObjects; namespace APITestAutomation.Exams { [TestFixture] public class ApiTests : ExtentBase { non-public ApiUtils apiUtils; [OneTimeSetUp] public void Setup() { apiUtils = new ApiUtils(); } [Test] [Category("Smoke")] public void GetSingleUser() { // Use apiUtils to make API requests var response = apiUtils.ExecuteGetRequest(ApiEndpoints.SingleUser); response.StatusCode.Ought to().Be(HttpStatusCode.OK); var responseBody = apiUtils.DeserializeResponse
(response); responseBody.Knowledge.Ought to().BeNull(as a result of: "The 'Knowledge' property shouldn't be null."); } }